Information systems analysts and financial management of investment risk

None of enterprise engaged in financial activities, can not do without the system of accounting and financial risk-sharing. When deciding on the suitability of the lender or the borrower, the insured or the insurer, guarantor or pledgor must take into account a number of factors that can not take into account neither professional appraiser or even a whole department. Needed skorringovye system, turning to financial data banks, according to statistics, stock quotes and many more sources of information. Then you need to bring all this information together and get the output response to a simple question - Is this investment profitable or not. The success of any enterprise in the field of finance and insurance depends entirely on how well the system used provides financial analysts expectation of each operation. And of course, in this complex area is neither ready-made solutions or solutions that would have been quite effective in the long term without making any permanent changes to skorringovye algorithms.

But the scope of the automation systems financial flows and risk management is not limited to only the professional players in the financial and insurance market. Any entrepreneur and organizations of all sizes are constantly faced with decisions relating to investment and financial risks. As you know 20% of the investment for 80% of revenue. This rule can complain, but you can use it to your benefit. Most of the entrepreneurs refers to his own time and money in your account very meticulously and often cause even surprise others because of the hardness of their schedules and accuracy in their calculations. At the same time these same entrepreneurs are investing quite indiscriminately and distribute its assets, following the lead of various consultants, brokers, investment analysts, who more succeed to explain why were wrong than to do any correct prediction.

In order to protect themselves, if not from errors in investment, at least from repeating these mistakes, you need to control the financial flows and risks. At the same time, aware that any simplification - it is always a lie, you need to be able to get the various sections and perspectives financial picture in the organization and the market in general. All of these problems can be solved only through the use of powerful analytical systems. And, again, there are no universal solutions can not be here. Every company, every investor, every market participant requires fine Settings financial analytics tools to fit your needs and further fine-tune them with the development and changes in the marketplace.

Group companies Alliance combines the possibility of programming and information security with a wealth of experience in financing and operating risks. Our team helped to analyze, select and implement the most complex financial and analytical solutions in a number of financial and insurance companies, as well as in the area of personal finance entrepreneurs in various fields of business.

Accounting System

Perhaps many have become accustomed to the fact that the entire accounting in Russia shall be conducted on family programs 1c. But as our experience, one setting 1ski accounting is not limited. Firstly, many problems, especially in the field of international relations system based on 1C solve quite unsuitable, and secondly, there are a number of challenges that are constantly facing business, which is elementary solved without setting up such a complex system as 1C.

For example, if you need to give employees or clients themselves an opportunity to issue invoices, you can write a small script, setting and placement on the internet which will take a total of not more than one day, but you can look for somewhere a turnkey solution, configure it then pay for both the decision itself and for its renewal. In the case of own script billing integration with the site or crm-system often is too simple, and the use of third-party solutions, begins lottery - "and correspond to the chosen solution out there to the chosen solution here".

Another frequently occurring problem - a quick check of whether the customer paid for the service or not. You can connect complex systems that cost tens of thousands of dollars and require constant monitoring, and can solve the problem by using a pair of macros and ekselevskoy signs shared.

An individual approach and vast experience accounting automation enterprises in various fields of business, allow professionals Alliance Navigation find the optimal solution for your business!

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St. Petersburg,
Leninsky Prospekt 168.
Warsaw highway 1.
8 (800) 700-00-11

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