Our companies

Construction of buildings of any class production, processing and medical companies. An integrated approach to the organization and the progress of construction. ALLIANCE PROM creates a seamless mechanism for all stages of construction. Higher top management coordinates the work from beginning construction to commissioning. Architects Department - French and British engineers with experience of more than 20 years. Price segment of correlated to the lowest level in view of the high volume of orders. Purpose ALLIANCE INDUSTRIAL long-term cooperation and create an effective environment for business development.

Shuttle buses staff after work. Shuttle buses from the metro staff to work and back. Shuttle buses personnel during the night buses and cars. - Range of services aimed at preserving the time discipline of your company. If your company is located far away from public transport. If you schedule your organization extends beyond 00 hours. ALLIANCE AUTO with the highest comfort and minimum tariffs to transport your employees.

Express delivery of goods online stores. Delivery of mail and letters. Small freight. - Range of services that can in the shortest time to solve any logistic problem for your company. Quality of service received the highest marks from our customers. The pricing policy of equal price offer individuals.

Organization of the dining room at the plant. Line food distribution for employees. Delivery of meals to the company. - Range of services capable of with the utmost quality food to solve the problem of employees. Own pastoral economy has more than 380 head of cattle, as well as more than 120 species actually grown fruits and vegetables. The quality of products is confirmed by the Russian international level.
Daily ALLIANCE PIT cooks more than 20 800 people. This volume allows us to provide customers a low price system, and the highest level of quality.

Cleaning services for companies and individuals. Industrial cleaning, cleaning offices and public spaces, cleaning up after repair facilities. You'll be surprised consistently high qualifications of our staff - thanks to a large pool of orders, we can keep their employees in the required quantity and never resort to subcontracting or temporary assistance.
We maintain facilities in all parts of the city and have the ability to quickly deliver the necessary equipment and personnel to carry out the cleaning of any size or level of complexity.
Our advantages
Our robot
Intelligent Robot LGR log 88988 with integrated GPS and GLONASS module that allows to design and carry out any logistical operations in real time and under real road conditions.
Our cameras
Set at 2,500 units throughout the North-West of Russia online servers cameras in real-time monitor the traffic situation and send this information to our control center for processing.
Our equipment
Our fleet consists of 485 pieces of equipment of various types and applications that will reduce the time to execute any order to the shipping, as the situation is a lack of transport we have excluded.
Our price
The cost of our services is in perfect proportion to their quality: that is, for more than a competitive price you get a high-class service for the truly European level. Try it and see for yourself!

Our food production capacity now allow to serve more than 20 800 people every day!

Best Company 2010
Best Company 2011